Wanted: Artists that specialize or even dabble in the field of figurative arts, erotica, nudity fine art nude, not so fine art nude, and/or sexuality... explore, or perfect. From the sublime to the edgy to even something absurd. Be Bold!

- All work must be original and of personal execution of the submitting artist.
- All artists must be 18 years of age or older.
- All models must be 18 years of age or older.
- All, even questionable, edgy, submissions are encouraged
- ALL artwork should be available for sale. Eros Pulse will retain 40% of all sales for proceeds and contributions to donations. Price your artwork accordingly
- All artwork should be ready and suitable for hanging or display

- All accepted artists will receive a high resolution digital image of their work on display at the exhibit, for reference, display, resume and referral.
- Accepted artwork will also be published in a exhibit coffee table book, ErosPulse Winter 2009. Artists will need to sign a waiver/release for this publication, but will receive a copy at print cost if desired.
- Best of Exhibit and Award of Merit prizes as voted by the attendees of the ErosPulse event: $250 for Best of Exhibit, and $100 each for 3 Award of Merit artists. The cureator or judges will be exempt from any awards for the sake of fairness.

- An entry/handling fee will be charged and accepted with artists submissions.
- Artists: $35 for up to 3 images, $5 for each additional image.
- Please make checks and money orders payable to ErosPulse. Paypal is preferred and easiest and immediate. No PayPal account is needed, just one of the acceptable credit cards. (PAYPAL account: is also available and needs to be accepted/reminded/referenced by email also to: Just email to if you need further instructions on payment.
- All exhibited media considered. Shipping and handling costs to be paid by the artist, both incoming and outgoing, details for the return of artwork will be sent to accepted artists.
- Please submit images of works for consideration via email, CD, DVD, or hard photo.
- Online submission is available (image file size less than 1mb please, to , with online payment paypal, or mailed payment with notice/approval.
- do not send original artwork until word of acceptance.
- Please include the following with each submission(s):

Artist’s Name
Address, City, State, Postal Code
E-mail Address
Phone number

Number of total submissions
Method of submission
Payment method
Price (retail)

Artist's Bio (250 words max)
Artist's Statement for submitted piece (inspiration, process, meaning, etc...)
Any special requirements required for display or performance

- Electronically submitted entries only. Thank you.


- email submissions to: (10mb max per email)
- paypal payment (referencing works) to paypal account:

- Call to artists: November 26, 2008 – January 15, 2009

- Notification of acceptance: January 22, 2009

- Accepted artwork to arrive in Denver no later than February 25, 2008
- Show dates:
Installation 3/4-3/5, and VIP preview.
VIP Reception and Show Opening 3/6/2009
Exhibit ends: 3/7/2009
- All accepted artists will be notified via e-mail, mail or phone.

The ErosPulse exhibits have been organized with the general populace in mind as a viewer, and ultimate judge. The artists and works selected to exhibit will be done by a panel consisting of regional artists, curators, gallery operators, show producers and exhibitors. The ErosPulse events group has several regional resources to rely upon for this endeavor and will utilize all of them. Attendees to the ErosPulse exhibits will then judge the selected exhibited works, and the tally from the shows duration will be used to award the winners for Best in Exhibit and Award of Merits. Sorry, we refuse to pander to one judge, as if that ever does a collective show justice.

Questions and comments can be sent to

Selected artist's works will be:
Exhibited at ErosPulse Winter 2009
Published in ErosPulse Winter 2009 coffee table book
Published in ErosPulse website during Winter 2009
Entered for Best in show and award of merit(s)..

Thank you.